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I can confidently say that in 2024, we all want one thing: easy go-to meals. Stress can induce overeating, and I, for one, have been eating my feelings a little too much lately. It was just March, and now it’s almost time to put out Halloween decorations—how?!
But I digress. Like I was saying, we all want easy go-to meals to ensure we’re not eating junk food or incessantly snacking. Luckily for all of us, the Noodle Magazine exists. And it is loaded with those types of recipes. At least, that’s what our Facebook Community thinks.
Below, we’ve compiled some of our favorite posts from that Community.For more posts, make sure to join our Facebook Community. For easy go-to meals that will save you time, money, and hassle, subscribe to the NOODLE MAGAZINE at the link at the bottom of this page.
Community-sourced kitchen help!
Our Facebook Community is a source of inspiration and motivation and is excellent at troubleshooting. Ashley Belbeck wondered how to prepare a recipe, so she sourced the group.
Using the information provided by other members, Belbeck said the cod was “delicious” and “very elegant.” People are helping people! It’s a beautiful thing.
Community-recommended meals!
Sometimes, the best ideas are inspired by other people. Noodle Magazine superstar Cyndie Moran read one of the articles we posted in the Community and used it to schedule a mouthwateringly delicious-looking breakfast into her meal plan. Bravo on the food styling, Cyndie!
And Donna West was inspired by another member’s dinner pics to explore a new recipe she enjoyed immensely. We love it when this happens!
I am recommitting to healthy eating.
2024 has been a tough year for healthy eating. Stress eating is a thing, you guys. But recently, Patricia Lawrence decided to recommit to her Noodle Magazine subscription, and judging by her reaction to her husband, she’s off to a great start.
And then there was Sue Given, another Noodle Magazine superstar who, despite an incredible amount of adversity, has also recommitted to her meal plans. You got this, Sue! (To read about Sue’s inspirational success
Meals that’ll make you reconsider your relationship.
Liz Striegl and her husband, Nate, love Noodle Magazine recipes. (Click on the recipe to read about their recipes.) Liz loves our Extra-Crispy Chicken Thighs recipe so much she might leave Nate and elope with it.
There’s more than one way to bake a muffin.
It is common knowledge amongst CLD members that our Blueberry-Sour Cream Muffin recipe is the best muffin recipe known to man. So whether you’re short on blueberries like Patricia Lawrence or want to mix it up as Kirsti Shaw did, we guarantee this is one breakfast you’ll want to eat again and again.
Recipes worth repeating.
Only some people like to eat the same recipe over and over. However, Sue Given might argue that not everyone has yet subscribed to the NOODLE MAGAZINE.
First-time favorite recipes!

Making a recipe for the first time can be risky: Will it be too time-consuming? What if it tastes terrible? Joyce Van Huis tried a new Noodle Magazine recipe not once but twice, and the results were overwhelmingly positive. So happy to hear it, Joyce!
One month later, the results
When last we heard from Colleen Margaret Tippie, she was one week into restarting her Noodle Magazine subscription. After a month, she let the Community know how it was going. The results? Well, they speak for themselves…
Meals the whole family will love.
Whether you’re looking for a delicious recipe to feed your spouse and kids (like Michele Handal-Werner) or you’re looking for delicious recipes to feed your college-aged athletes like Sheila Keyes, the Noodle Magazine has meals everyone will love!
Easy go-to meals: Check!
Lastly, we’ll remind you that you can lose or maintain weight or just save lots of time by eating delicious recipes like chicken and waffles. No matter how busy your day—and it sounds like Pamela Jane Thornton’s was busy indeed—we’ve got delicious meals you’ll love!